Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unexpected Blessing

I am the kind of person who needs some kind of noise constantly going in the background. In our new house the family room, kitchen, and dining room are all open to each other, so the TV is usually my background noise (unless I’m cooking dinner, then it’s the radio). In our old house in Bellevue, however, there was no TV on the main floor, so I always had the radio on. At that time I was also renewing my relationship with God, so it was always tuned to KLOVE 88.1 (Christian rock/pop). And the music kept on playing.

Whenever my Mom came to visit she would complain about the continuous racket of the radio. While I, as the mother of small children, craved constant noise, she, as an empty nester, craved silence. It was my house though, so the music kept on playing.

A few weeks ago Mom joined the praise team at her church. I received a message from her not long after, thanking me for exposing her to Christian radio. She hasn’t sung on a praise team since I was in high school-so a couple of years at least :-), and she was grateful that after all this time she was familiar with many of the newer songs. As I played the radio five years ago my motives were largely selfish. I couldn’t stand silence, so the music kept on playing.

Little did I know that God was using my selfishness and stubbornness to expose Mom to the “modern” music that she would be singing with her praise team today. It got me to thinking about how much God works in our lives, even when we aren’t aware of it. I find it amazing that something that happened five years ago is coming into play in my mom’s life today. It reminds me of the sentiments of Psalm 139:16:

Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in Your book
before one of them came to be.

And so, thanks to Providence, the music keeps on playing.

1 comment:

  1. I truly am in awe that God uses music so much in our lives, and how at times, we don't even feel his gentle hand upon us.
    But He sure knows how to use us, doesn't He!
    Love ya girl!
